Cost-Benefit Analysis

Analysis of the benefits of calling an AECOM product placement campaign in the context of digital marketing through Yahoo! Answers depend largely on the benefits expected from them in addition to its cost. Profit analysis (COBA) is the method by which the social costs of financing and the benefits of any prescribed payment project are performed within a specified period of time. In the event of this short-term marketing project for AECOM product re-branding, if the benefits of digital marketing are expected to be huge then the project has AECOM advantages and vice versa.

For this purpose, the basic principles of COBA are needed to understand the following:

Project evaluation - In order to perform a cost analysis of any project, its evaluation must be analyzed. COBA is an economic way of evaluating a project.

External integration in the equation - This feature of COBA invites the public and private economic costs and benefits of projects. It also measures social welfare.

Time value - Time is of the essence during the COBA analysis. The time economy is considered in the future of the project.

COBA use: COBA is traditionally only used for major public sector projects such as water, dams, railways, bridges, passers-by, new vehicles, tunnels, power stations, flood relief schemes, etc. However, the current situation has changed and COBA has been used for small projects, public health programs, to reduce long-term unemployment, to understand the costs or benefits of new business deals, etc.

The main purpose of making COBA is whether the project leads to an increase in future public benefits or not. If the answer is "Yes" then the COBA result is straightforward and vice versa.

Key steps in calculating the COBA method:

Step 1 (a): Calculation of social costs and benefits: In this step, social costs and benefits include all direct and indirect costs, costs, benefits and benefits. It includes all significant costs.

Step 1 (b): Intelligent analysis of events: In this step it should be written down how much profit and cost involved in a particular transaction and what is the effect? If so, what is the level of uncertainty about the actual cost of benefits and benefits?

Step 2: Calculating future value of benefits: The next step involved in COBA is a reduction in future benefits. As the benefits are enjoyed right now, its future value is reduced over a period of time.

Step 3: Comparing costs and benefits: This step helps to understand the benefits of oil investment.

Step 4: Comparing the tax return: Under this step, revenue from various projects is collected and accordingly the best is selected.

COBA determines how they are selected for projects on the basis of the highest return on social welfare benefits.

Based on these brands, uses, and COBA measures, the AECOM brand is placed in the context of digital marketing through Yahoo! The answers represent that the costs involved in digital marketing may be higher but the expected profit exceeds its costs. In this project, the major costs involved are for digital marketing only, reimbursement has various mechanisms such as high returns and profits for AECOM, a large community that creates awareness of the type of AECOM in the minds of various consumers, people come to know AECOM presence and various services in all sectors through staff its professional. Also, the time involved in digital marketing is very short compared to the traditional marketing approach.

Therefore, from all points of view, one point is very clear that the benefits involved in this project are expected to be very high compared to its costs. Therefore, the results of the profit analysis are clear.